About Us

Do you love cycling and the feeling of freedom or the buzz you get when you’re either out on your bicycle or have just completed a turbo trainer session?  So do we!  That is why we have spent countless hours sourcing high-quality, low-cost t-shirts, hoodies, leggings and mugs.  Check out our huge selection – we carry a huge range of products that are ready to ship to you.

The Chic Cyclist’s mission

As females and lovers of cycling, we realise that we struggled to find any other stores that sold quality casual cycling clothing and products for ladies, while offering fast, friendly service.  Not only do we believe in providing casual cycling clothing for women, we believe that us women should support, motivate and empower other women too, and encourage other women to cycle, whether that be to start cycling or to continue on their journey but to also empower women generally!  There are so many benefits to cycling – it is great for beginners or people recovering from illness and injuries, it can help with weight loss/weight management, it can boost your balance and posture, it’s environmentally friendly and it boosts mental health (to name but a few benefits!).

We feel that cycling (well, most sports in fact) are very male dominated and that women do not really get a look in!  Doesn’t it just irritate you that women’s sport is so underrepresented; that it appears to be so undervalued?  Did you know that women are not allowed to participate in the Tour de France yet for the past 5 years, a female group of cyclists have been cycling stages of the TdF.  And in 2019, a group of [10] ladies, The InternationElles, cycled the whole of the TdF one day ahead of the male professionals in order to raise the issue, yet there was very little coverage of the ladies’ achievements!  Not only did the group successfully complete the TdF route, but not one of them is a professional cyclist; they are all amateurs who have to train around their working life!  We think that makes their achievement even more impressive than the men’s achievements!

Women need to continue to push forward with equality; it is slow going and we have made great strides.  But there is still a long way to go until we see complete equality, between men and women around the world, and we all need to do our bit – to encourage each other, not criticise or dishearten; to empower, not deny or disapprove; to promote, not discourage or handicap and to support, not undermine and weaken other women.  That is why we created The Chic Cyclist!  We have made it our mission to provide all of our customers with the following:

  • A range of the highest quality casual cycling products to help spread the word!
  • A focus on innovative products that are not available in brick-and-mortar stores.
  • Customer centric support that is fast, friendly and efficient.
  • And, of course … extremely low prices!

Why choose The Chic Cyclist?

When you shop with us, you’ll see The Chic Cyclist difference.  We are focused on finding fun, unique products that you won’t find at your local store.  One of our most popular products, I’m not addicted to my bike, but we are in a committed relationship t-shirt is a fantastic example of this!  From t-shirts to hoodies to leggings and mugs, we have you covered.

But innovative products isn’t just all: We strive to combine extremely low prices with fantastic customer service.  We have slashed the price on products as low as we can, ensuring you get a fantastic deal – while offering fast, efficient and friendly help!  If you have any questions, please just contact us today and one of our team members will reply to you ASAP.

Buy from us today, experience The Chic Cyclist difference and spread the word to other women and female cyclists!